Online Tutoring Norms (Tutor and Tutee)


1)    Be on time. If something is preventing you from attending your tutoring session on time let your tutor or tutee know.

2)    Seek a space with no or minimal background noise. Dress appropriately. 

3)    When not speaking, make sure your audio is muted. This will prevent inadvertent noises such as coughs, rattling papers, or chair squeaks from interrupting others.

4)    Focus on the task, eliminate other distractions, and avoid multitasking. Mute mobile phones, turn off notification sounds and minimize other applications on your computer screen.

5)    When you ask a question, allow time for slightly delayed responses because the system may experience slight transmission delays.

6)    When possible, avoid interrupting your tutor/tutee as he/she is speaking. Establish an understanding among yourselves of when and how to interrupt like raising your hand.

7)    For tutors, notify your tutee before you start recording each tutorial session.