Sunday, November 17, 2019

During our last meeting on 11/6, we brought up some new ideas for Peer Tutoring. We're planning to have a sort of "walk-in" tutoring session for students who don't want the commitment of having a long term tutor. For this, we will probably be using the Library during tutorial Tuesdays-Fridays every week. You will get 1 hour of community service rather than 45 minutes since this is a group tutoring session. 

We will have a meeting on TUESDAY 11/19 to go over how this will work. Please come if you are interested!

If you are willing to be a walk-in tutor, please fill out the form that I attached below. You do NOT need to go every day and forms will be sent out weekly. For this week, we will be trying it out on Thursday (11/21) and Friday (11/22) only: 

Also, to spread the word, we need a few volunteers who will be willing to go around to different classes on WEDNESDAY during tutorial to talk about this new opportunity. Please email me back if you are interested, I will email you with more details later.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email me :)

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Kailyn Xu