For Tutees

Need to request a tutor? Here's how it works!

1. All students may pick up a “Request for Peer Tutor” form during lunch in room C-9.

2. Once the application is turned in, we put it into our database, then into a red binder by subject area. Tutors stop by during lunch to check the red binders to see if they can pick up a student for tutoring. If they find a match to their subject area and time they call the student.

3. If you receive a call from a tutor, you are invited back to room C-9 during lunch to meet your tutor and fill out three “Tutor Contract” forms

4. The tutor keeps a form, gives one to the student, and I retain the third copy, for my records. Students meet and tutor together from that point on.

* You are encouraged to check back within a week if you have not received a call from a tutor.